Res utan oro för vägglöss med Heatbag. Värmebehandla enkelt din väska efter resan innan du packar upp, och håll ditt hem fritt från oönskade skadedjur.

  • Ta bort alla värmekänsliga föremål
  • Placera ditt bagage i din Heatbag innan du packar upp
  • Värmebehandla ditt bagage i 52°C
  • Fullständigt förseglat innerfoder för att hålla skadedjuren inne
  • Rymmer stora resväskor upp till 81 x 55 x 35 cm
  • Hopfällbar för optimal förvaring när den inte används
Ordinarie Pris$299.00
Frakt beräknas i kassan.
  • I lager, redo att skickas
  • Snart tillbaka i lager
  • International shipping

Heatbag uses a five-sided heating system that surrounds and kills all bed bugs, carpet beetles, moths and other insects.

A fully sealed inner liner constructed of hospital-grade heating pad material traps the insects inside the unit. Additional layers of insulation keep the heat inside to minimize power consumption while thermostats continuously monitor and control the heating system.

An integrated thermometer ensures that the luggage is heated all the way to the core, so you can be sure all bed bugs and eggs are killed!

  • Sealed inner case to prevent bed bugs from escaping
  • Integrated thermometer to control that the full luggage is heated up to 126°F (52°C) and is bed bug free
  • Easy to place the suitcase in the Heatbag, just open the door and roll it in
  • 5-sided built in heating coils & isolation ensures a proper heating
  • Multiple thermostats prevent the luggage from overheating

How to use the Heatbag

  1. Come home and unfold your Heatbag.
  2. Open your luggage and remove all items that you cannot heat to 126°F and place them in the freezer.
  3. Put your suitcase in the Heatbag and place the thermometer in the midst of your luggage*
  4. Plug it in and heat to 126°F.
  5. Now you are done and can unpack your belongings bed bug free!
  6. Fold your Heatbag and stove it away until next time you return from a trip.

*By placing the thermometer in the midst of the luggage you make sure all luggage and is heated to the core.


  • Height: 33.5 inches
  • Width: 25.6 inches
  • Depth: 15.7 inches


  • Height: 9.4 inches
  • Width: 26.4 inches
  • Depth: 15.4 inches


Bed bugs are true survivors. However, they cannot survive in heat above 122°F. Bed bugs die within 1.5 minutes in 122°F while the eggs need 30 minutes in 122°F to die.

These two things are fulfilled once the Heatbag reaches 126°F, which is why the recommended goal temperature of the Heatbag is at 126°F. Then you can be sure both fully grown bed bugs, nymphs and eggs have died.

It all depends on what suitcase you have and how fully packed it is. A fully packed, large check-in luggage in plastic is the most difficult to treat. Treating such a suitcase will take approx. 4-5 hours.

A smaller, suitcase in metal will go faster and the same goes for a lightly packed one. To be sure that the treatment is completed, use the included thermometer or set the timer to max.

Yes you can! Even clothes that cannot be washed in warmer temperatures such as wool, silk, leather can be heated using a Heatbag. It is the combination of water & heat that shrinks and tears delicate clothes, not the heat itself.

Most items can be treated for hours without any concerns,
but a few items should be avoided or treated with care.

Items to remove before using the Heatbag:

  • Electronics (to be on the safe side, electronics can usually withstand the heat)
  • Make-up or skincare
  • Food & beverages
  • Medicines
  • Deodorant & crayons (if silicon based)

Our recommendation is to pack all things you do not wish to treat using the Heatbag together, and as high up as possible in the luggage to simply be able to remove these once home before starting the treatment.

Preferably, items that are not heated should be put in the freezer in (-0.4°F) for a minimum of 4 days to prevent bed bugs from spreading through these items.

Note: electronics cannot be put in the freezer.

Trusted by experts

"We conclude that the heat
treatment is efficient to kill off all bed bugs stages."

Nattaro Labs